Dread Wiki


The Grenade is a single-use, explosive, throwable utility item that was added in V1.16. It can be used to quickly clear hordes of zombies or kill survivors who are in its radius.


  • You can cook Grenades for a short period of time.
    • You can cook them for a maximum of 2 seconds before they explode in your hands, immediately killing you regardless of your health and armor.
  • The Grenade has a very large blast radius and will kill you if you if you don't retreat further enough.
    • Because of this, it is highly recommended you don't use the Grenade in spaces where you yourself could easily get caught.
  • Killing yourself with the Grenade is very easy due to its large radius and large damage combined. Being caught in its blast will most likely instantly kill you or, if you're lucky enough, leave you with a very small pinch of health.
  • The Grenade has two sounds that play both when its pin is pulled and also when it's thrown. Listen to them carefully to gain a strategical advantage.
  • Unequipping the Grenade before throwing it will automatically stop the throwing process, preventing the Grenade from being thrown while still playing the pin pulling sound.
    • This can be used to trick players into thinking that you're about to throw a Grenade due to the sound it makes.
  • Grenades tend to bounce a lot. Be careful after throwing them, as they might bounce right back at you.
  • The Grenade is great for PvP gamemodes due to both its large radius and large damage combined, which will instantly kill any survivor caught in its blast.



  • The Grenade is the first utility item that was ever added to Dread.
  • This is currently the 2nd cheapest utility item in the game.
  • The Grenade uses the real-life M67 Grenade(wikipedia) as a basis for its model.